Hello Everyone! I'd like to invite you to a wonderful event by our Scrappity-doo-dah Teams. We the Design Team, Creative Team and Moderators of SDD have put together a Once Upon a Time event for you... Introducing "A Fairy Tale" blog swoop. A blog swoop is similar to a blog train but at scrappity-doo-dah we are swooping like a flock of birds. Don't miss any of the stops to complete this wonderful collection of fairy tale mini kits, clusters and quick pages!

Please remember there are many stops on this blog swoop in different time zones so if you find a stop without a post, please try back a little later. Thank you for your patience. : )
Today I have for you a pair of Brag Book Pages!! I hope that you enjoy them!!
Blog roll:
Intro on SDD site blog and Asa with her dominos/ memory game:
Humpty Dumpty: Crystal's Creations http://www.blogger.com/goog_1467339141
Humpty Dumpty: Cara /Sweet Tomato Designs - http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com/
The Three Little Bears: Mandy King http://mybagofscraps.com/
The Three Little Bears: Jaya/Jaya Prems Hangout http://scraps-by-jayaprem.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Alla http://allacik.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Mila http://lumikscrap.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Fanfan http://laruedesangesdefanfan.blogspot.com/
Thumblina: Lisette-http://www.blogger.com/goog_1467339156
Thumblina: Alegna/Angela -http://www.alegnas-world.blogspot.com/
The Ugly Duckling: Tish/Pixie Mama http://pixiemamadesigns.blogspot.com/
The Ugly Duckling: Tiffany/Inspired by Dominic Designs http://inspiredbydominic.com/blog/
Froggy Princess: Marie http://mariehdesigns.blogspot.com/
Froggy Princess: Belinda/Dylabel -http://dylabeldesigns.blogspot.com/
Little Mermaid: Gabs http://www.gabs-art.d/e
Little Mermaid: Brandi Sutherlin http://brandiscreativespace.com/
Mary Poppins: Heather/Danospookie- http://www.blogger.com/goog_1467339179
Mary Poppins: Tam/Digioverdose http://digioverdose.com/blog/
Mary Poppins: Bekah E http://bekahs-escape2scrapland.blogspot.com/
Scrappity-doo-dah Moderators:
Laura/Mom2triplets4 ~ http://creativetripletmom.blogspot.com/
Elaine Therese~ http://elainetherese.blogspot.com/
Claudio~ http://divadeldiseno.blogspot.com/
Christina/ThreeDogsandaBabyDesigns~ http://threedogsandababydesigns.blogspot.com/
Scrappity-doo-dah Site Creative Team:
Nance47~ http://nancedigiscraps.blogspot.com/
LaurenB~ and Kathryn http://www.laurenbdesigning.blogspot.com/
Missy /jrmminga~ http://jrmminga.blogspot.com/
Blondy~ and Toni Crystal's CT blog http://scrappinggems.blogspot.com/
Monica/ 2GirlsandaDog~ http://2girlzdesigns.blogspot.com/
Joanna/Cutiejo1 ~ http://www.bainsbits.blogspot.com/
Valarie/Valarierog ~ http://www.fleurdescrap.blogspot.com/
Gladys/Glyss ~ http://glyss.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Mar. 29, 2011. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for sharing these lovely pages!!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [30 Mar 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
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