Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend. I had the weekend off and enjoyed a trip to the zoo with the little man yesterday and then have spent the rest of the weekend catching up on things after a very busy week. This month I have the pleasure of working with another one of our new designers at Scrappity-Doo-Dah, nandesign. The first kit of his that I got to play with was
Making Comics. I must admit, it is a little different then the usual kits that I grab but was excited for the challenge. Well I enjoyed the challenge far more then I could have expected. His doodles are amazing and it makes the kit so much fun to play with. I will be using this kit again for sure. The first thing I made with this kit was a new Facebook Timeline Cover. And guess what that means? Yep, you guessed it, I have a new template for all of you.
So first off, lets take a look at
Making Comics by nandesigns! Check out those doodles!!
And here is my Timeline Cover
And here is the template I created for you!
Download Here